Top > 授業 > 2006年度
Reading list
- Manning, Willard G., Joseph P. Newhouse, Naihua Duan Emmett B. Keeler and Arleen Leibowitz. 1987. Health insurance and the demand for medical care: Evidence from a randomized experiment. American Economic Review 77(3), 251-277. [JSTOR]
- Feldman, Roger and Bryan Dowd. 1991. A new estimate of the welfare loss of excess health insurance. American Economic Review 81(1), 297-301. [JSTOR]
11/22:支払方式 [資料]
- Ellis, Randall P. and Thomas G. McGuire. 1996. Hospital response to prospective payment: Moral hazard, selection, and practice-style effects. Journal of Health Economics 15, 257-277. [ScienceDirect]
- Shen, Yu-Chu. 2003. The effect of financial pressure on the quality of care in hospitals. Journal of Health Economics 22, 243-269. [ScienceDirect]
11/29:支払方式 [資料]
- Kessler, Daniel and Mark McClellan. 1996. Do doctors practice defensive medicine? Quarterly Journal of Economics 111(2), 353-390. [JSTOR]
- Altman, Daniel, David Cutler and Richard Zeckhauser. 2003. Enrollee mix, treatment intensity, and cost in competing indemnity and HMO plans. Journal of Health Economics 22, 23-45. [ScienceDirect]
12/13:病院経営 [資料]
- Sloan, Frank A., Gabriel A. Picone, Donald H. Taylor Jr. and Shin-Yi Choue. 2001. Hospital ownership and cost and quality of care: Is there a dime's worth of difference? Journal of Health Economics 20, 1-21. [ScienceDirect]
- Keeler, Emmett B., Glenn Melnick and Jack Zwanziger. 1999. The changing effects of competition on non-profit and for-profit hospital pricing behavior. Journal of Health Economics 18, 69-86. [ScienceDirect]
1/10:病院経営 [資料]
- Kessler, Daniel P. and Mark B. McClellan. 2000. Is hospital competition socially wasteful? Quarterly Journal of Economics 115(2), 577-615. [JSTOR]
- Ho, Vivian and Barton H. Hamilton. 2000. Hospital mergers and acquisitions: Does market consolidation harm patients? Journal of Health Economics 19, 767-791. [ScienceDirect]
1/17:保険需要 [資料]
- Cutler, David M. and Jonathan Gruber. 1996. Does public insurance crowd out private insurance? Quarterly Journal of Economics 111(2), 391-430. [JSTOR]
- Bundorf, M. Kate. 2002. Employee demand for health insurance and employer health plan choices. Journal of Health Economics 21, 65-88. [ScienceDirect]
- Chaloupka, Frank J. and Henry Wechsler. 1997. Price, tobacco control policies and smoking among young adults. Journal of Health Economics 16, 359-373. [ScienceDirect]
- Grossman, Michael and Frank J. Chaloupka. 1998. The demand for cocaine by young adults: A rational addiction approach. Journal of Health Economics 17, 427-474. [ScienceDirect]